A middle-aged woman sat beside me as I finished writing a prayer to God about the result of my exam. She asked me where I work and I told her I just had my initial assessment at a certain company. She said that the secret on passing that exam and getting that Job is by relying to God -- and I agreed to that. We continued our conversation as she waits for her colleagues and later discovered that that meeting is not an accident. She's a Pastor and i'm a volunteer -- we're both followers of Christ. She then prayed for me and we exchanged numbers so we can update each other.
I am really blessed to have met her. Through that conversation, I did not just gained a friend and a fresh faith but God showed me that He can use us to minister at any time of the day, in any place and to anyone. Just as Jesus went through all the towns and villages to teach, preach and heal all the sickness and diseases. Are you willing to GO and do unexpected things? Will you obey Him when He prompts you to do things in an unexpected time, unexpected place to an unexpected person? Or you will just choose what's convenient for you?
I hope that everyone of us will listen and obey God's leading. That we will choose to obey Him even if it's inconvenient. Let us remember, Jesus went even if it's inconvenient and though He knows He has to die an excruciating death -- He still went for us. As His followers, I pray that we will be lead by His example and we will seize every opportunity to share the gospel and the love of God to the hopeless who are in dire need of His love and grace. #ServantLeadership #GO
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