These days, I'm always reminded of how faithful God is and how great is His love for me. Through all the ups and downs of my roller-coaster-like walk with God, He was there with me and still here with me. That makes me agree to what Jerry Bridges quoted, "Our worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace."
I am certain that God’s love and grace is the reason why I was able to move from one season to another. I am so thankful to receive and experience this gift from God because I was able to live day-by-day in the midst of victory-failure cycle. God’s love and grace was enough for me to finish my thesis, pass the oral defense and battery exam – and eventually finish my Degree.
So, if anyone of you is facing a big problem today. Remember that God is bigger than that problem. It may seem big and you’re thinking that there’s no way you can make it through. I assure you; to God there is a way because it’s just a tiny or dust-like problem to our creator. I urge you to cast all your cares to the Lord because He holds the world in His hand. And as you approach His throne of grace, remember who you are in Christ and receive His gift. You are a chosen generation. Christ died for you so you may have life and have it to the full.
Worry no more because God loves us and His grace is available and it is sufficient.
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