I was so stubborn, self-centered and ungrateful
I always think of what I want and never ask of what You want
I was blind by my ambitions
I thought I had created a world without You
Thinking that I can do anything that would make me happy
Thinking that I won't be needing You in my life
I was trusting in myself
I was so blind not to see Your goodness,
I was so deaf not to hear You call my name
I was so numb not to feel Your love
And my heart was so hard and closed
I ignored Your presence,
I've neglected everything You've done for me all these years
Then the time came when I can't find happiness in what I do
I can't be contented of what I have
and I started to feel the emptiness in my heart
I realized that i'm weak,
I felt like i'm alone though i'm surrounded with people
I became desperate..
Suddenly, I hear a voice saying:"Come to Me."
I remembered that someone shared to me a verse
from the bible that saids,
"Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light."
-Matthew 11:28-30
Of course, I'm ignorant so I still don't believe that there is someone as good as Him.
One who would accept me for who I am and would embrace me at my worst
As time goes by I started seeing things differently and would remember those words.
It got me thinking so I started reading the bible and the book of my mom, written by Rick Warren,
Entitled "The Purpose Driven Life".
The eyes of my heart had been opened,I started praying and attending the church.
I realized God is still God no matter what we do.
God revealed Himself to me,
and I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior and Lord.
I am blessed, forgiven and I know that God has a purpose why He created me.
Though i'm still stubborn and a lot of times, "selfish"
I am happy because I know that God is at work in my life.
I am being transformed day after day for the greater glory of God.
He accepted me for who I am and comforts me everyday..
I found rest, peace, love and joy in Him!
I know He will guide,protect and enable me to do His will in my life!
I have a reason to live, the reason is you, JESUS!
I will give praise to our great God for the rest of my life!
God loves us more than we can ever fathom!
Thank you Lord Jesus for dying for me on the cross for my sins.
I open the door of my life and recieve you as my savior and Lord.
Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life.
Take control of my life,Lord.
Make me the kind of person you want me to be.
Recieve favor from the Lord!
<3 Lhynne <3
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