The Gift of Knowing Who You Really Are and Your Worth as a Person

It's really crucial how the people around you can affect you and turn your world upside down. As for me, I've gone out of my comfort zone and joined a pageant in our town and my reason is to really glorify God by sharing my life to them. As the days past, the pressure on my part is so consuming that it made me worry whether I would win or not. I'm afraid that I might disappoint the them and i'm even more afraid because even though I have lots of supporters like my family, friends, Spiritual family and the people that I don't know who's trying to cheer me up, there is still some, No. A whole bunch of them. Who would try to pull me down by all means and what's more disappointing is that they're my relatives. I could see the lack of effort on their part and would ask why can't they support me?

As the negative vibe builds up, here comes another challenge. Thursday morning, I've got hives all over my body due to allergic reaction to something that I've eaten. My first reaction was "Ok, it will be gone in no time. No worry, I trust God." But then as time goes by, it's getting worst. The welts are bigger and spreading through my legs. And so Friday before I had gone to sleep, I was crying because our "Talent Night" would be Saturday at 7 P.M. because my welts would be expose in my costume. I was able to conquer my fear and being ashamed because of my red spots in my body. The night went well and got the rest that I need.

Sunday came, It was beautiful day. No more practice for the talent and I'll be meeting my co-candidates for rehearsal. I'm not asking God, "Why does it have to happen when I have a pageant to go through?" because I have put my faith in Him and I am reminded that He is in control of everything. I am relaxed. I'm excited. But that excitement didn't last. We're informed that we will be having our pictorial on our swim wear. All of a sudden, the one who loves to pose and so pumped up when she hears something about photo shoot. That's me. I'm worried and my friends tried to cheer me up. We tried to cover the redness with concealer and foundation but there's nothing we could do to make it invisible. I've lose my confidence and the once jolly me in pictorial is gone. All I can feel and see is that they're staring at me. Paranoid or not, I cried after the shoot. I wasn't able to give my best because of it. I felt so bad.

I'm going to Manila and to ease my boredom, while waiting for the other seats to be occupied, I just listen to the music. The song "I Will Rise" by Chris Tomlin played and I can't help but cry as I listen to it.

"..There's a peace I've come to know
Though my heart and flesh may fail
There's an anchor for my soul
I can say "It is well"

Jesus has overcome
And the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won
He is risen from the dead.."

The message is clear, just like in my devotion. I know the purpose of these red patches in my skin. God is telling me that I can have confidence through Him. That It doesn't matter because I am loved. It doesn't matter if I don't have a perfect body since it is temporary, it will soon fade away and won't be remember. What's more important is my heart. A heart that can make a Legacy. I'm reminded that my purpose is not just win the crown but to make a legacy, to share my life as a witness of His amazing love and grace. To honor my God who will crown me based on what's in my heart.

This realization is far more important than any crown. Knowing who you really are and your worth as a person is the best gift the we could ever receive. When you know your true identity, you'll know your purpose in life. As for me it is to live life in Leadership, Integrity, Faith and Excellence.

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
